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La Coalición de Prevención Moroveña tiene como norte el servicio accesible a la comunidad

We believe in the empowerment of individuals and communities.

That's why we provide accesible services for all.


Educational social campaigns

Workshops and conferences




Psychometric evaluation


Strategic planning

Coalitions development



Social campaigns


Haz lo Correcto

Haz lo correcto promotes the right use of prescribed drugs. This campaign's targets are doctors and pharmaceutics that should be responsible at the time of providing meds. Also, patients who should use prescriptions, only the way their doctor recommends and avoid that this drugs end up in the hands of a minor.


Jangueando con Control

Jangueando con Control is a campaign directed to High School students. This campaign explains the damage and consequences of Binge Driking which happens when you consume great amounts of alcohol in a short time period.


Cumplo con ellos

Cumplo con ellos is a social campaign that intends to educate business owners on what the law states regarding selling alcohol to minors and the damages that alcohol can cause in the development of the brain.

Workshops and conferences

Manejo de pensamiento

Self-esteem and


Substance use prevention

Leadership development

Emotions management

Effective communication



Psychological Services

Serv psicologicos

Psychometric evaluation

It is used to check the capacities and skills of the participant through practical and objective exams. It consist of the application of tests to have a reference framework about the intelectual potential and personality.

Individual therapy

Offers capacity and strategies at individual level so that the person can understand his/her thoughts and feelings to be able to redirect actions. 

Couple therapy

It is offered to couples with or without conflict in their relationship. It helps to develop better communication, to deal with conflict and other situations in the present in order to prevent future struggles and maintain a harmonious relationship. 

Family therapy

We work with the family group in a same session and with a common objective. It pursue the goal of improving one ore more areas that may be causing conflict inside the family core. 

Consulting services

Laptop Writing

Strategic Planning

It is a fundamental tool for decision making in any organization. 

Establishing what to do and the way to achieve those goals, having in mind changes and demands, is key for sustainability.


We offer technical assistance in: 

  • Needs and resources study development.

  • Capacity building development.

  • Planning strategies.

  • Strategies selection.

  • Evaluation.

Graphic Shapes

Community Coalitions Development

Coalitions are an effective method to provoke change in the communities. 

Maintaining a coalition requires skills, sensibility, opportunity and perseverance. 


We offer technical assistance in: 


  • Strategic resources identification.

  • Strategies and protocols for recruitment and retention.

  • Structure and functionality of the coalition.

  • Skills development for the sustainability of the efforts.

  • Skills and techniques development for effective communication.

  • Evaluation.

Team Meeting

Logic Models Development

Powerful stories bring attention and incite actions. 

Telling the story and the effectiveness of the efforts its a combination between art and science.


We offer technical assistance in:

  • Appropriate objectives identification.

  • Efficiency evaluation. 

  • Establishment of priorities. 

  • Identifying necessary associations. 

  • Functions and responsabilices distribution.

  • Time management.

doing work together

SWOT Analysis

Change is inevitable inside an organization or initiative.      

Finding balance between strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is the key for good and effective planning and acting.


We offer technical assistance in:


  • Internal and external factors that can influence the functionality of the initiative.

  • Strategies to provide solutions to existing problems.

  • Decision making.

  • Opportunities and threats identification.

  • Planning adjustments and development.

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